Only One On The Mountain

Sheila and Oscar back at HQTHIS NEWS JUST IN FROM SHEILA:

“On the second night on the mountain, both Oscar and I got D&V (sickness at both ends) – not sure if due to bug, poisoning or altitude.  In the morning we were too debilitated to walk on, and were brought off the mountain by an “ambulance”, which we walked to – about an hour over boulders and rough terrain!  We had to share the passenger seat in the front of the vehicle. There was no seat belt and the windscreen in front of us had a big spiders’s web crack!  The ambulance careered along the dirt track at enormous speed, sending up clouds of red dust – it was like something out of Top Gear!  At one point a guy on a motor bike with sacks of potatoes piled up behind him was driving in the middle of the road, so our driver put on the siren!

We were both as right as rain once we were down.  At one of the stops we handed out all the chocolate we had to street kids and at another, Oscar bought an ice cream – so clearly he is fine!

We are back at Maivoro Coffee Plantation and had a swim in the pool and we are now sitting in the bar with a roaring fire with a coke and a G&T.

So sorry folks, we didn’t make it, but had lots of fun on the way and raised lots of money for our charities.

Oscar might have set a record by doing 152 keepy uppies on the mountain.  He and another boy and his father and a couple of guides had a competition with the football the other lad brought along.

Jae is still on the mountain: we are definitely in a more comfortable place.”

We are all so proud of you both for giving it an incredible go and for all the money you have raised for charity, not to mention the blogs you’ve entertained us with daily. We are just glad that you are safe and well. Our thoughts and support are with Jae who continues the climb. – Gwen

4 thoughts on “Only One On The Mountain”

  1. So sorry to hear of the disappointing end to Sheila and Oscar’s climb. They always knew this might happen but somehow I didn’t think it would. Good to know that they are fine now they are down at the lodge and I think they will have a fun time there – if not quite the experience they were expecting.

    Meanwhile, three cheers for Jae for soldiering on. At least she knows that Oscar is being well looked after down below. And three cheers for everybody for raising so much money.

    PS Maybe Sheila could attempt another hula hoop record while she’s over there.

  2. Nothing worse than the Ds and Vs even at sea level! Both of you gave it your best shot, so well done . X

  3. Really sorry to hear that you and Oscar did not summit Sheila, there are some things that are beyond your control and altitude sickness is one of them. Enjoy those Gin and Tonics!

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