Today’s post is a bit different! Mary Wilson – Sheila’s sister-in-law – has written some 3GKiliClimb limericks. And Katie Vermont (read this post if you don’t know how Katie came to join the Millers) has done some sketches to go with them. Don’t we have talented family? And it’s given us all a giggle. If you’re feeling creative why not send us your poems, drawings or anything else you fancy conjuring up ( Anything that reaches us before the end of August will go into a blog post (or two!) in September. No quality requirements – we’re big believers in effort being more valuable than ability!
There was once an intrepid trio
Who aimed to climb Kili con brio.
They got to the top,
But then couldn’t stop.
They’re on their way home- via Rio???

There was once a grandma from Kent,
Off to Tanzania she went,
With a mountain to climb
Amidst dust and grime
And sleeping all three to a tent!

Grandma Sheila, Oscar and Jae
Decided to climb Kili one day.
They did lots of training
Through sunshine and raining.
“Good luck to you three!” we all say.
Thanks Mary and Katie! I wonder what else you’ll inspire…