Note from Jae: Despite having almost 200 posts on this blog, we haven’t yet had a single one from a man. Well, today that changes as my lovely Da has put the following together for us. Thanks Da (for joining in with the blog – although I’m not sure I’m thanking you for the pics!!).

You never know what you’ll come across in our house these days. The other weekend we have Jae, Oscar and his young brother Ivor to stay. We’re sitting in the living room in all apparent normality when Jae, who has been deep in iPhonery, jumps up and cries, ‘Oscar! Mum! 7-minute workout!’
Oscar immediately gets up and assumes the position (whatever the initial position was). Sheila assumes an approximation of same. (Ivor is nowhere to be seen.) There then begins a volley of instructions from the phone –
‘Shoulder rolls!’
‘High knees!’
‘Push-up and rotation!’
– and a great deal of leaping about, sitting or lying down, standing up and twisting in various directions, accompanied by cries of ‘Is it nearly finished?’, ‘This is still the warm-up’, and the like.
I’ve been instructed to get out the camera to take 3G tee-shirt snaps, so am able to record these girations for posterity, or at least for the blog and the family album – see the below action shots.

I must say, in our youth we didn’t find it necessary to prepare so assiduously for assaults on, say, the formidable slopes of Cathkin Braes or, as has been mentioned, the mighty North Berwick Law. Mind you, we weren’t being sponsored then, so I suppose the burden of responsibility was less. In fact, I am glad to have the opportunity of reassuring backers that no opportunity is being missed to hone our Kilimanjarists to a fine point of dynamic sharpness.
Which reminds me, Sheila and I said we’d mount an expedition this afternoon, through the foothills of the East Kent range. Excuse me.
NB. The app we were using is the Johnson & Johnson 7-minute workout