Late Night Footie

Monday 24 August – Sheila

Oscar at 'Anfield'
Oscar at ‘Anfield’

Three guys from the African Walking Company came to visit us this morning, after Oscar had slept for nearly twelve hours and we’d had breakfast, so we were both in good nick.

The African Walking Company is the company Exodus uses to make the day to day arrangements for their clients here. Their head guy, Paulo came with his driver Shabani. They were joined by the assistant guide Mustafa, who had accompanied us off the mountain on Sunday.

We discussed the plans for Oscar and me regarding the possibility of an early return to the UK – not possible – and what we might do in the meantime.

Then they got talking to Oscar about football and saw how animated he became about it. They told us they were going to the “Anfield Game Theatre” in Ngaramtoni tonight (Monday) to watch the Liverpool v Arsenal game live via satellite. They said that satellite TV is too expensive for most people to have at home, but they all pile into the theatre together and shout and roar and have a great time there. They said they were sorry it would be too late for Oscar as the kick off was not till 9.45pm with highlights from 9.30pm.

We discussed it for a while and I could see Oscar desperately wanted to go. I asked him if he would promise to have a sleep in the afternoon and I got Paulo to promise faithfully to take care of him – he had already told me he had kids of 12,7 and 4 of his own – and the deal was done.

I guess I could have gone as a chaperone, but the idea of sitting in a dark theatre watching football on a screen surrounded by shouting men is close to my idea of hell. Besides, I think it is probably a boys thing, and I trust Paulo, particularly as he refuses to accept payment, saying that he wants to take Oscar and knows someone who will love to talk footie with him.

So on Sunday we came off Kilimanjaro in an ambulance and on the very next day, Oscar is being collected at 8.30pm and returned after midnight!! Hmm – doesn’t sound quite right, but that’s altitude sickness for you, I guess – you are fine once you are down.

Tuesday 25th August – Oscar

Last night I went to a theatre named Anfield with the AWC chief. His friend was the owner of the place. We sat on chairs in the front row and watched the Liverpool – Arsenal match. The match ended 0-0 but was very good. Afterwards we took pictures with people and of the theatre. At this point it was past midnight so we went back to the hotel and got there around 1am, concluding a brilliant night out!


4 thoughts on “Late Night Footie”

  1. As they say, ‘every cloud has a silver lining’……and ‘as one door closes another opens’. Great that the football match experience came along for you Oscar, which will be a memory you will cherish I am sure. What did you do, Sheila, during the same evening? A bit of relaxation to recover from the initial days’ climb I guess. Well done each and all of you. xxx

  2. I know this sounds pompous but…I think you know what I’m going to say: it includes words like ‘authentic’, Tanzanian, ‘globalisation’ and most of all, Great!!!

  3. Well it all turned out okay in that you are both alright so here’s hoping Jae is too,well done anyway,it’s a lottery for the altitude thing xxx

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