High Altitude Farts – by Sheila

imageWhen Jae’s three sons were a bit younger, I remember overhearing a conversation between them when they said it was strange, that the only woman who seemed to find farts funny was their aunt, Gwen. They, and I regret to say most of their sex, seem to think farting is hysterically hilarious.

Well, Gwen is missing a trick! Does she know about HAFE? That is: “High Altitude Flatus Expulsion, which involves the spontaneous passage of increased quantities of rectal gasses at high altitudes. The phenomenon is based on the differential in atmospheric pressure. As the external pressure decreases, the difference in pressure between the gas within the body and the atmosphere outside is higher, and the urge to expel gas to relieve the pressure is greater”

So it looks like Oscar might have lots of laughs up Kili. I am not so sure than Jae and I will, if we are all in one tent. Perhaps Oscar should be doing this climb with Gwen: they could fall about farting and laughing together!

One thought on “High Altitude Farts – by Sheila”

  1. Farts ARE funny, Oscar will have to save up his HAFE experiences for a rip-roaring story session with his Aunt at Christmas!

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