Some of you may already have seen a video of Sheila’s grandson Samson practicing for “news time” at school, but just in case you haven’t seen it yet, click here to watch it – we just had to share! And here’s a lovely close up of the picture he drew to go with it:

Apparently the real thing went very well – he even replaced the word “Dedda” with “Grandma” in order to sound more professional! (Oscar has called Sheila “Dedda” since he was tiny, and all the other grandchildren have followed suit).
Thanks for the fab post Samson! S, J & O xxx
And talking of news, we got a tweet back from CNN news anchor Brooke Baldwin this week. She wrote a lovely article about her recent Kili climb which you can read here.
I love the bit when he hesitates – you think he’s lost it – and then comes out with “Kilimanjaro.”
This climb is certainly going viral!
Yes – I love that bit too – you think he has lost it, then out it comes. Got an article on Gransnet local – Kent – today too!