Who, why, what, when?

We’re a grandma, a mum and a son who have decided to take on the challenge of climbing Kilimanjaro. We’re not mountaineers, and have never been to Tanzania, but the idea came up and, once the seed was planted, it started to grow…

Sheila laughingSheila (67) was born in Hawick but has lived in Canterbury for over 40 years. She’s a retired solicitor with five grandchildren. She’s married to Stewart, a retired university lecturer whom she met at school. Sheila is a regular volunteer at Catching Lives.
Likes: Sewing, walking, Scrabble, scrumping and laughter
Dislikes: Helicopters, mean-spiritedness and toucans

imageOscar (13) goes to Aylesbury Grammar School and plays football with “Real Aylesbury Town” at weekends. He enjoys traveling and seeing new things. He’s particularly keen on interesting buildings, so really liked Barcelona. He has two little brothers whom he loves, but they sometimes drive him to distraction.
Likes: Football, squash, computer games, his tiger (Raa), Biscuit Boosts and mango smoothies
Dislikes: The X-Factor, Marmite, homework and early mornings.

Jae & Oscar 5k runJae (43) is a working mum of three boys. She is married to David who gave up work to become a home dad when their third son was born.
Likes: Cheese, salsa, badminton, fizz, fiction and watching her boys play footie
Dislikes: Pessimism, marshmallows, Malibu and velour.

When Jae came home from work one day and was telling Oscar about the fact that Exodus were about to start allowing teenagers to climb Kilimanjaro with their parents, he pointed out that he would soon be a teenager and asked if she thought he would be able to climb such a big mountain. A few “you can do anything you put your mind to Darling” platitudes later, and Jae was texting her mum to see whether she’d be up for it.

We’ve found a couple of examples of grandpas and dads who’ve climbed Kili in a three generation adventure before, but haven’t yet come across another granny who has climbed it with her child and grandchild. Maybe we’ll manage a first!

We’re hoping that people will be interested in following our story and maybe sponsoring us too. Half of what we raise will go to Catching Lives – the homelessness charity in Kent that Sheila volunteers with. The other half will be split between various Exodus projects around the world, including a Tanzania Porters School that teaches useful skills to both male and female porters. You can see the other projects here.

We plan to leave the UK on the 19th of August 2015, and hope to summit Kili around a week later. Cross your fingers for us please!

15 thoughts on “Who, why, what, when?”

  1. Q. What’s better than 4G??
    A. The 3G ‘Kili’ clan comprising of the Hoppies thru’ to the Miller!
    Proud of you.

  2. Sheila – you supported me all the way through my crazy project on a mediaeval martyr – how can I do anything but support you on this. It sounds f-a-n-t-a-s-t-ic.

  3. Wow, what an experience you will have together. Wish you all the best, I’ll keep in touch, and if I can pass on any help when I get back I will do.

    Good luck

    Paul x

    1. Thanks so much Paul. We’ll be watching. Any pearls of wisdom will be leapt upon! Good luck with ur prep. Stay in touch, S, J & O xxx

  4. What a great adventure in store for you all. Remember what they say in Swahili…’pole, pole’. Apparently it’s very difficult to go as slowly as you should because it seems absurdly slow.

  5. Have at last got round to becoming a subscriber to 3GKili blog having read a few on Louise’s mobile! I really admire what you are all planning to do, and i think it’a a brilliant idea. having read Sheila’s recent posting (is that the right word?) on The Canterbury Tales, and Jae’s (?) on the Porter’s Education Project, I’m now going to donate to your funding stream…..

    i was struck by the similarities to the Sherpa community’s situation in Nepal dependent on the trekking expeditions for their livelihood. our old friend Liz in Leeds is involved with a Sherpa support project which raises money for a school in the trekking region. They have annual gigs in the local Community Arts Centre : one of the people involved is married to a Sherpa!

    Love and best wishes to all of you

    1. Thank you so much Nigel. We really appreciate your support. The charities we have chosen to support are ones we all feel strongly about and in most cases have a direct link to. I love that Lou is reading bits and pieces to the boys too – even if they don’t know quite what to make of naked pensioners!! Love, Jx

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